In January 2016, North High School suffered a massive loss. Vanessa Lezama, a North Senior, and Early Childhood student passed away due to leukemia. Vanessa was a passionate young lady who touched the lives of everyone she was around; she especially loved working with kids. After she passed, North Early Childhood Educators decided that her legacy needed to live on at North. The students and staff started a scholarship campaign, in her name; The Vanessa Lezama #MustangStrong Scholarship. For the past six years, early childhood students have been raising awareness about childhood cancer in the month of September. Students make and sell gold ribbons during their "Go Gold" campaign to raise awareness and collect donations to go into a scholarship fund for a North Senior. The club started by only raising $500, and has now been able to give a $1000 scholarship, with the help of Vanessa's parents. The scholarship applicants write an essay about how they have overcome hardships and this is reviewed by a committee that includes the Early Childhood teacher, Vanessa's mom, Vanessa's sister, and the Educator's Rising officer team. Thanks to the Early Childhood students, Vanessa's legacy will forever live on at North.
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